Sunday, July 09, 2006

Thin crust grilled leek and asparagus pizza

The secret to a thin crust, I've been told, is to chill the dough. Accordingly, for today's pizza I made the dough last night, and chilled it overnight in the refrigerator. I pre-heated the oven to nice and hot (450) and took out the dough at the last minute. I tried my hand at throwing and spinning, but with only marginal success. Still, I managed to spread the dough about twice as big as I needed, so I put some aside for later. I ended up with a nice thin crust.

Top with a sauce made from oil, basil, rosemary (which spilled in, so there was too much of it) garlic, sage, parsely and oregano, grilled leek and asparagus, crumbled feta and grated cheddar cheese.

I forgot to pierce the crust with a fork, so there were some bubbles, but on the whole I think it turned out quite well. Easily the thinnest crust I've ever managed, and quite good. Jan thought it a little tough, but she's never been much of a fan of thin crust.

New York Style crust tomorrow.

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