- If one cat is good, a second could be even better
- Perelandra no longer bored and lonely
- Possibly no longer bored and lonely= slightly less destructive/less inclined to suddenly go crazy-go-nuts and attack us
- What if the second cat is a jerk?
- Finding someone to take care of one cat when we go out of town is one thing, but to find someone to take care of two cats might be harder
- The price of buying it
- The price of more food and more litter
- What if the new cat won't share a litterbox with Perelandra? Second litter box? Put it where?
You could buy her a pet bird. I hear lovebirds require companionship....
NO NO NO NO NO NO MORE PETS.....Perelandra is NOT bored. She is a cat. CATS love to be king (or queen)of the house.
If she is crazy and destructive just think what she will teach another cat....nononononnonononono......don't even go there!!!!!
i think cats have more fun in pairs. your fear of someone not looking after two cats is unfounded, but i will give you a new fear: two cats are sometimes more destructive than one.
we're thinking of getting osi a sister.
as the owner of 3 indoor cats I can tell you the move from 1 to 2 is no more real work. Get a kitten or young cat froma no kill shelter -- a submissive, so perelandra is not threatened and can be the dominante creature....
listen to the vinyl cafe if you can, oh approx two months ago, Stuart MCL did a show on just this very thing...very funny...perhaps insightful.
Listen Paul on an aside, I am wanting to email a notice of an employment opportunity for students and youth to st. margarets...the website is down. can you broker this for me?
Thanks Jesse Wood, Exchange Community Church
I think you should wait until you have a bigger place before you get more animals. If you get a new cat and find she won't share a litter box or food bowl, you're going to have space issues. Plus if you have any friends with alergies, you'll just make it even worse for them to come visit.
We've had up to 4 cats at a time (3 boys and 1 girl of different ages) and they never had a problem sharing a litter box. So you probably wouldn't have to worry about a second litter box.
Sometimes the Humane Society runs deals where you can get a cat there with shots included really cheaply - they usually do this when they have too many pets and not enough space, which is how its been this past year from what I remember.
We have an "only child" cat, too, and sometimes he seems lonely. But his loneliness makes him a lot more snuggly and fun to be around. When we had more cats, he would play and snuggle with them and not with us.
Also, we had a girl cat with a temperament that sounds a lot like Perelandra's and she it was rather a challenge for her to play nicely with others... So, if you do get a second cat, try to see how they play together first before you choose it.
[end of tome]
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