Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Morning Confusion

Our apartment is heated by hot water radiators. As anyone who has ever lived in a radiator-heated dwelling will know, sometimes they make strange noises.

Our radiators are not as bad as the radiators at CMU, but they do sometimes sound like running water.

A few days ago, our cat Perelandra peed on our floor. It was mostly our own fault—we hadn't cleaned her litter box in a few days, and there were some clothes on our floor which were obviously more appealing for her purposes. Needless to say, we now clean her litter box at least once a day, and we no longer leave any clothes on our floor. Talk about learning the hard way.

Anyway, I woke up recently to what sounded to me like someone or something peeing on the floor. Bleary-eyed and fluffy-headed, I rose, caught the cat where she was standing in our (empty) laundry hamper, and carried her out of the bedroom. Then I inspected the hamper. Dry. I smelled the floor. Nothing. I listened, and heard the peeing sound continuing, coming from our heater. I looked at the clock (5:47). I looked at the still-sleeping Jan. I went back to bed.


Anonymous said...

I like the nifty sound effects. Those drums of Moria sure were terrifying! In my first year, I had named a similar noise "psycho axe murderer in the room next door".

Laura said...

I still remember the night we went to see LOTR waking up to the sound of the heaters. I was convinced that the orcs were coming to get me!!!