Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Searle said: "Derrida gives bullshit a bad name"

Okay. Listen.

I know you think Derrida is the coolest. I know that deconstruction blew your mind.

Fine. Language is arbitrary and as a result meaning is contextual.

But you live in the same context as I do, and arbitrary or not we've all agreed together as speakers of this language to attempt to understand each other. Can we move on?



Steph said...

Actually, I think it was Saussure that said language it arbitrary, Derrida might have used that as a starting point, but I don't think his main point was to confuse and cause misunderstandings. I think he was trying to get at the inherent misunderstandings present in the way we use certain words...especially binarily (made up a word there!) opposed ones.

Steph said...

obviously I meant is and not it...please don't misunderstand me. :)

Jan said...

Yeah, I know, I was kinda venting against a particular person in a particular class, not against Derrida so much. More annoyed with Derridians than Derrida.