Saturday, April 07, 2007

Clone Wars

Donald Phillips, The Bishop of Rupert's Land, is responsible for overseeing about 50-100 churches. This year he was at St. Margaret's for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday morning (in the congregation) and both Easter Vigils. Last year he was at our Maundy Thursday service, Good Friday and both Vigils also.

Aren't there any other churches that might like him to visit them? I don't know. Jan's theory is that, like Santa Claus, the Bishop has a number of clones whom he can send out to help him in his work. We think that the person sitting in the congregation on Good Friday was the real bishop, but all the others are just clones.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I thought I saw the real Bishop, Easter Sunday at the Cathedral. Now I'm not so sure.

Darn, science – destroying my faith in the evidence of my own eyes.