Friday, September 22, 2006

Harry Potter and It Was All a Dream

The seventh Harry Potter book is rumoured to be completed, except for editing and a title. Here's the text in its entirety:

Harry Potter woke up.

"I had the strangest dream!" he said. "I dreamed that I was a wizard, and the world was full of magic!"

"Oh sweetie" said his mother. "There's no such thing as magic.

OR IS THERE!?!?!?"

The End.


Anonymous said...

Are you a cynic or realist? :o)
I haven't yet read a Harry Potter book. I have no strong opinion, one way or another, about them... My mom loved them, my mother in law won't read them because she thinks they're evil. And you?

Laura said...

You ruined the ending Paul. I don't know if I can forgive you. I am truly traumatized!

Elliot said...

This is why J.K. Rowling is a billionaire, and why you are not...

Anonymous said...

that was cruel.